Monday, February 15, 2010

Come see what makes us American

An assignment that was given where we had to complete our first press release


Davon Collins, Visual Designer
Edge Appeal

Come See What Makes Us American

PHILAPELPHIA, Pennsylvania (February 15, 2010)- Davon Collins and his production group, Edge Appeal, are giving local filmmakers the chance to present their work and concluding the night with the premier of his documentary film I am 2 America.

The event is open to whoever desires to present their creativity to a mass group of people. The event is also open to the public and will be catered by Qdoba, so come enjoy a wonderful group of films and a hearty burrito. All filmmakers who are presenting their work are asked to bring DVD’s of their work. Edge Appeal is all about exposure, and they want you to be able to get your name out there.

The event will take place in the Merriam Theatre, located on Broad Street. Merriam houses around 1000 people. This is more then enough space to bring the family and friends.

There are a number of films that have already been submitted and that are confirmed to be in the showcase. These films include Precious, a film based on “Push,” a novel about a trouble young girl who has to face the pressures of life alone until she meets a teacher that exposes her to this love that she never though was imaginable. Another film in the showcase is New Year’s Day Parade, a film about a tarnished family that has to find a way to respect that the parents are divorced and that the children are growing up. The Final movie that will be shown is I Am 2 America. The film is a documentary that allows students at a local college, University of the Arts, to express their feelings about homosexuality and the way it’s integrated into their daily lives.

So just come down and enjoy a wonderful day of film, food, and family


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